Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dreaming of a White Halloween?

Because of the impending threat of a very BIG snowstorm I moved 20 miles north of Hawk Springs back to Torrington, WY City Slickers RV Park on Monday, Oct. 25th. Twenty or more inches were predicted to fall plus 35 mph winds which could make for some very nasty snowdrifts, maybe not the cement hard kind we used to have weekly in Kearney, NE that required a backhoe to dig you out of, but some big ones and the possibility of being snowbound several days in the country and if the power would go out I'd be running my trusty little generator 24/7 since I don't have my Cat heater or solar panels installed yet. Decided it would be much easier living in town until the weather calms down a bit.
Left, Confetti is getting drowsy on this snowy morning. Will she sleep on her head again? We will see.
Snow don't have the amount here yet that was predicted. Talked to Linda out at Hawk Springs, WY this morning and she says they definitely have the 20 inches but the wind hasn't been bad yet. Highways are all closed. Wind is just starting to kick up here this morning in Torrington, WY and the temperature is only at 28 today. It held at 32 almost all day yesterday. So the storm may be strengthening a bit today. It is supposed to snow all day today, which it is. So am glad to be nestled in snugly in this nice, clean urban RV park which was new just a couple of short years ago. It is so nice to have a full 50 amps of power so I don't have to worry about what to shut off in order to run something else and I can also keep my headbolt heater on the diesel plugged in! Water faucets are all heated and I have sewer hookup available at my whim as well. Pure luxury. Ahhhhhhhh. All for $17 per day or $109 per week or $350 per month. Sure is cheaper than house living and no yard work to speak of! Have to say I am really enjoying being here while it is snowing. Might just stay on for awhile until the weather warms up again which it's supposed to do starting Sunday, back to the 50's and 60's. Sure no need to rush off in a hurry. Gotta love the variety, from snow to warm, from country to small town urban. I actually get a kick out of watching the steam rise from the sugar factory into the night sky all illuminated by the warm glow of sodium vapor lights, the sound of the train whistles as the coal trains rumble through town, and traffic's hustle and bustle on Hwy 85 as the beet trucks lumber to and from the sugar factory, it's only a few blocks to my post office box which yesterday contained Netflix movies. I may actually get around to watching one today if it gets nice and nasty outside. Hmmm which one first, Gran Torino with Rowdy Yates, That Hamilton Woman with Vivien Leigh, or Valkyrie with Tom Cruise?

Now that I have a new battery for my camera, Miss Sony Mavica, I can actually take outside shots again. This is my lovely burnt copper truck, Happy, with snow stacked up on her bumper--no wind to blow it off yet.

My gorgeous 5th Wheel, Whimsy, has sparkling icicles adorning her today.

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