Saturday, October 10, 2009

Beautiful Snow Morning

It is a beautiful sunshiney, snowy morning and the temperature is way up to 21 degrees. Was supposed to be down to 8 degrees last night which it well might have been. If you love snow you would love this snow as it was not too windy and now we have a winter wonderland, perfect for making snow angels.

Last night I kept my furnace set at about 67 and ran the Pelonis electric heater at 80 degrees all night. Worked just fine. The furnace cycled occasionally enough to keep the basement warm and the pipes and water tanks unfrozen and us comfortable. Will be interesting to see how long the propane lasts with this blast of cold. Last Friday I filled the two 30 lb. propane bottles. Ran the furnace alone without the Pelonis heater all weekend. When the weather turned cold I set the thermostat at 75. I had emptied one of the bottles by Tuesday morning (apx. 6 gallons) when I refilled it Tuesday. Yesterday when I topped off the 2nd bottle I'd been using since Tuesday it took apx. 4 gallons to top it off. Hope that's of help to those of you who would like to try some cold weather RVing. I know not everyone wants to live in the deserts of the southwest for six months. A little snow is something you can really enjoy.

See more pictures of Confetti actually sleeping on her head in my post earlier this morning.

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