Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sinks Canyon State Park, Lander, Wyoming

Alan Sills does a very nice video review of Lander, Wyoming, and the spectacular Sinks Canyon, the Popo Agie (pronounced papozhee) River, and the famous (to us locals anyway) switchback road, which used to be single lane gravel but now is two lane paved! In the old days if you met someone going the other way you had to back down the road as there was no getting past each other, lol.
    This gorgeous state park is near my hometown of Riverton, in Fremont county, Wyoming. Lander is the county seat of Fremont county and you can't find a nicer place to vacation in my opinion. Alan takes you up to the top of the switchbacks but keep on going over the mountain and down the other side for gorgeous Alpine lakes and a view of  historic Atlantic City  and South Pass City, both famous ghost towns. You will love it. Also visit the trout pool at the entrance of Sinks Canyon for spectacular views of some of the biggest trout you will ever see. Lots of really nice fishing in the river and some beautiful cross country skiing trails, too. Also wonderful trails in the area for hiking, or trail riding if you bring your horses. Enjoy! Sinks Canyon

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