Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How LOW Can It Go?

Looking at a year chart of LOW reveals that recent previous support is clear down to $17.95 so I expect the stock to go down there again.  That could mean a gain from here of about $8 less any premium paid for the put option. I guess I will see if I can find a reasonably priced put.

I see the June $26 puts are about 86 cents with the spread of only 2 cents. So for a month of time it will cost me 86 cents to play. If the stock plumets to $18 profits would be about $7. But I think I stand a better than even chance of at least doubling my money on this put if the stock even drops to just $24 the put will more than double in price. The stock seems to be drifting higher right now midday so I will wait to pounce. The higher the stock rises the less the put will cost. I put my order in for the put at 65 cents, maybe the put will go down since the market is trying to go up right now. Might get it for less than 86 cents. Which would be fun! 

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