Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Day Gone Bye

A dear friend lost some of her nearest and dearest yesterday so this blog was silent, which it has been more often than not of late. Not because of nothing going on but because of so much going on that I have neglected to record. She lost three dear pets. Some might say that pets are of no significance. But judging by the profound ways that they touch some of our hearts and weave their way into the very core of our lives and beings I would have to disagree. Each of these mysteriously wonderful creatures is a unique creation, so unique in fact that there will never be another just the same. They are as unique as snowflakes are said to be...and far more complex. They seem to absolutely blossom in the presence of any human love shed on them. This loving part of them more than any other is proof that there is a God Who made them and that He is indeed love. The Bible says that God is love, and His creation and His humble creatures that share our lives at our feet, on our laps, in our arms are significant in that they point us to Him and utterly break our hearts when they leave us for it is a little piece of the Creator's care for us that goes with them. Is it any wonder that their absence leaves us so bereft?

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