Tuesday, May 7, 2013

GPN Bit the Dust

Poor old GPN finally stopped out just above the resistance line. Such are the fortunes of paper trading. Don't try making real trades until you've paper traded for awhile. Losses are a part of trading. The secret to trading is cutting losses, not letting them run. That's why it's important to trade with a system. So for this entire demonstration our gains total $1.61 per share. Our options trading didn't fare nearly so well. They total a 65 cent loss per share overall.  Out of 5 trades we had 3 losers and 2 winners. So our percentage is not holding true to Gary B. Smith's experience with this system. Only more paper trading of this system will tell the tale whether this system will be profitable for us using options or stocks. If our losing streak is now over we should see our percentages improving. Paper trading will help you approach the market with a good deal of trepidation and respect rather than over confidence when you finally start to trade for real.

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