Friday, September 17, 2010

Lucky - 2000 to 2010

Lucky was my co-pilot

Lucky, a Pet Pals volunteer, enjoying the pool perks

Lucky waits patiently, without being leashed, for me to finish my painting.

Lucky at Christmas wearing the Santa Hat.

We have been summering at Pet Pals, Inc. of Goshen County, a no-kill pet rescue. Lucky, my Border Collie, and I helped take care of the Purr Palace together where 40 wonderful cats reside all together in a superb colony. Lucky's job was to play with the kitties while I did the sweeping up. The cats have so enjoyed him and loved to crowd around him as he made their bird toys twitter and tweet.

It has been a bittersweet summer because Lucky developed lymphoma this spring after being in remission for nearly five years. Unfortunately he collapsed and succumbed to the pain on September 12th and it was my decision to free him from the final misery that very day. I wrote the following as a memorial to him. Anyone who has loved a dog, and especially a Border Collie, can probably relate.

My Lucky Dog
Dumped, abused, starved and frightened, eating ice to stay alive, coat flea infested and full of burrs, you made the hard decision to trust me that February day nine years ago. What a lucky day that was for me. I had discovered a Player of Ball par excellence. What a joy to play ball with you. How could I have known that nearly all troubles could be forgotten by playing a game of ball except that you showed me? How grand every day became as soon as our game of ball began.
You never left my side wherever we went and we were rarely separated since you were the official office dog and so well-behaved. You learned to trust and love people as the big gruff construction men tenderly made over you every day. I could always count on you to obey and be there for me. You understood so much of what I said. Even rough days were richer because of your unwavering devotion.

How I loved having you riding in my co-pilot seat. What a true companion you were who could go anywhere with me without a leash! Trustworthy Border Collie boy.
You were the only one there for me when my beloved dad was dying. Waiting patiently for me to take a break from his bedside so we could walk together in the sunshine and let the Good Lord comfort me through your kind presence. You alone were there to drive home with me from the funeral and be my comforter.
You were always there for me as we traveled and hiked. I said goodbye to you just yesterday as your spirit flew away from me. Awesome gift. I love you, Lucky. Oh to kiss that soft pink and white spot on your nose once more. I still see the graceful swish of your gorgeous tail as you sashayed proudly back to me, ball in your mouth, joy in your eyes, ready for me to throw it again.

At Christmas you patiently wore a santa hat and were my ambassador as we passed out Gospel tracts downtown. How many were willing to take and read of God's good news because of your sweet appeal? ...Many. Beloved friend. Surely the Lord will not deny us Heaven together in our mansion above? Romans 8:32 promises you to me once again.

Who will eat the ice cubes now that you are gone?

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