Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lake Pueblo State Park, CO

Alas this painting is not of Lake Pueblo, but of Jenny Lake at Grand Teton National Park. I love to do paintings with water in them like this one.

Lake Pueblo has its own kind of rugged beauty. Joy and Whimsy, my hard pulling teamette, are parked with electrical hookups at Lake Pueblo State Park, Colorado this week. Not only is there a magnificent reservoir of vast blue water, a nice marina, but there are also some great trails to hike. You can wear yourselves and your dogs, bikes or horses out walking or riding up and down the bluffs that surround the entire lake.

I love beautiful rimrocks like these. They show so clearly where the waters of Noah's Great Flood wore at the newly pushed up mountains and land, leaving perfectly horizontal rims on all the rocks and soft sloping sediment piled around their base, as it drained away.Lest you doubt Noah's great flood occurred just as the Bible describes check this out the photos and discovery of the Ark on the mountains of Ararat: Gotta love the scent of the Pinon Pines and Junipers, too. Each night the moon rises in a clear sky above these rocks as we sit by the campfire counting the stars. It is just breathtaking. The nights are balmy and relatively bug free. Sure beats TV.

Doesn't that blue water look refreshing on a hot summer day?

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