Friday, January 29, 2010

Interstate at Tucumcari, NM was a parking lot today

Everybody loves the Wave 8, Catalytic Heater. What a great piece of equipment it is. Who says cats and dogs don't get along?

Semis have just been parked on the interstate overpass all day. They got about a foot of moist snow here with a little drifting Thursday and it was enough to hold things up all day. Tonight trucks are still parked on the access roads however there is now some movement out on the interstate. You would think it's January!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Feathers, A Roadrunner, Pizza, and Wild Turkeys in Tucumcari

This colored pencil study of molted blackbird feathers I collected here I've entitled Ruined Finery. Hope you like it. We are having fabulous weather here in Tucumcari, NM. 60's and 70's everyday with sunshine now that the January thaw is in full swing. Have been told by transplants that the weather here is mild like this all year round. Not too hot and not too cold. Of course the natives are wearing coats and mufflers on days when it's 50's or 60's but those of us natives of the frozen north think it's warm enough for t-shirts, and shorts. Am really starting to enjoy the fulltime RV lifestyle as I become ever more comfortable with it and leave the pressures of the conventional world ever further behind. Today I happened upon a flock of wild turkeys, another roadrunner and that called for a homemade pizza. Can you beat it? Perfect relaxation helping me feel the creative juices flow once again, to work on my artwork and am already halfway through the outline for my new book! The first in my new Cracker Barrel Murder Club Mystery series? Time will tell. After the treacheries and loss of the past several years this experience has turned into an unexpected and very welcome blessing.

Beep! Beep!

22The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
Proverbs 10:22 (King James Version)